Our Savior Lutheran Church
Marlette, Michigan
⋅ Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ ⋅
Ephesians 1:2

~ Join Us ~
9:00 Divine Service
10:30 Adult Bible Study
10:30 Sunday School & Youth (September through May)
Wednesday Service
Lenten Potluck at 5:00
Lenten Service at 6:00
Please visit the “Calendar” page for additional information.
Sunday Services are often live-streamed on our Facebook Page

Located in Marlette, the heart of Michigan’s “Thumb”, the ministry of Our Savior Lutheran focuses on “teaching the heart of Christ”. This means that the teaching and preaching of God’s Holy Word in its truth and entirety are first in all we do. “We preach Christ crucified … the power of God and the wisdom of God.” (I Corinthians 1:23a,c)
There is no better Good News than this – to know that our almighty, wise, and merciful God sent His only Son to take away our sins and give us eternal life.
Our Mission
Our Savior Lutheran is committed to provide spiritual direction and quality education in obedience to Christ’s command.